Tag Archives: vampires

Boundless New to Comic Shops 8/3/16

This is the new Boundless Comics item coming to comic book shops on Wednesday 8/3/16:

The Ravening #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This giant sized second issue takes us deeper into the world of Ravening2-regThe Ravening and Hellina as your lovers  Izzy and Corrie defy the rules of their station and use their supernatural lust to save their clans.  But the world they live in is defined by the horrors and monsters that roam freely and a new union of beasts is determined to devour the daughters of the night.  This is a new type of underworld adventure where the creatures brazenly control the world Ravening2-Succubiand none of the nightmares are repressed.  To make this truly unforgettable we’ve also included a Ravening tale from the past, newly colorized and presented to a modern audience!

Boundless delivers a host of sexy stunning covers with this issue including a Regular Cover by Christian Zanier, Wraparound and Temptation Covers by Raulo Caceres, Ravening2-GothDecoGoth Deco Cover by Gabriel Andrade, and a Succubi Cover by Renato Camilo. Plus an array of super limited covers for the collector including an Alluring Century Set (limited to 100 sets) by Matt Martin and Costume Change Set (limited to 250 sets) by Christian Zanier. And for the erotic art collectors, there is a Nude Cover by Christian Zanier, Wraparound & Temptation Nude Cover by Raulo Caceres, and Succubi Nude Cover by Renato Camilo!

Boundless Comics New to Comic Shops & Digital 6/29/16

These are the new Boundless Comics items coming to local comic shops and digitally on ComiXology and ComCav on Wednesday 6/29/16:

Hellina #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Hellina is this year’s hottest femme fatale!Hell won the ultimate HELLINA3battle for control over the Earth and now one fiery, whip-cracking, sexy siren is on the front line fighting against the terrorist forces of Heaven. If you love non-stop sultry supernatural action – Hellina is the book for you! And this final issue presents the last chapter of the historic Hellina vs Pandora series in full color for the first time.  Don’t miss the amazing array of sexy covers with this issue including a Regular Cover by Gabriel Andrade, Wraparound Cover by Hellina3-WrapRenato Camilo, Sacrilege Cover by Raulo Caceres, Enforcer Cover by Ron Adrian, and Stunning Cover by Christian Zanier. Plus an array of super limited covers for the collector including Painted CenturySet of 3 books (limited to 100 sets) by Michael DiPascale and Costume Change Set (limited to 250 sets) by Christian Zanier. For the erotic art collectors, there is a Wraparound Nude cover also by Camilo, a Sacrilege Nude Cover by Caceres, an Enforcer Nude Cover by Adrian, and a Stunning Nude Cover by Zanier! To see the uncensored adult covers, please visit www.boundlesscomics.com.


The Ravening #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The queens of the night return in a monster sized 64 page debut Ravening1-regissue of vampire love and loss!   The Ravening have been spoken of in hushed whispers for twenty years and are now reborn with an all-new tale of darkness from seasoned writer Jai Nitz and illustrator Jack Jadson!  In Hellina #1, she flexed her power as the adjudicator of Hell Ravening1-Temptationand swept through the underworld,  ending many dynasties.  The vampire lords of House Morcego and House Volmaan  were lost to Hellina’s wrath and their daughters Izzy and Corrie are struggling with how to keep them from collapsing in the chaos.  Merging with another house seems the only option, so these two lovers defy all the rules and marry each other to unite their clans.  But can their young blood survive the many threats now closing in around them as a horde of Satyrs target their weakness?  It’s a seductively sexy look at a new kind of underworld now living in the shadows.  To top it off, we include two of the very first Ravening stories from 1997, in color for the first time, as well as a cover gallery of some of the classic covers of the past!





One Day Left to Participate in The Ravening Kickstarter

318a1583b56db05fe959803ca3278f86_originalThe Queens of the Night are coming and you can be a part of making the revival of one of the key titles in mature readers comics possible!  Boundless Comics’ Kickstarter to return The Ravening as a sexy and violent vampire series is in its last day of funding.  The program is pushing to reach the final stretch goals which benefit all readers of the series.

303b8da93ef66e65df6ecc759faaa1a5_originalRight now, the program is just a few hundred dollars away from the third goal – which adds issue #3 to the series!  Fans will be responsible for extending the series and giving writer Jai Nitz and artist Jack Jadson room to deliver even more fanged furies.  The fourth goal is also within reach if we can get some more fans to participate in the next 24 hours.  If we can reach it – a 4th issue will be added!

This is such a unique opportunity for Boundless fans to 50626a3a8658c17fd1d88cc14702f84c_originalactually control the content of the comics they love.  We have a lot of fun comics for adults lined up and on the way to you.  Please help us reach more fans so we make The Ravening a powerful four issue series thanks to the support of everyone on Kickstarter!


New Add-On Items Announced for Ravening Kickstarter!

c79493e449029945578420cfc38bf3f0_originalFans are loving the return of Boundless Comics’ sexy vampire lovers in the pages of The Ravening!  The Kickstarter has been red hot and Boundless wants to give supporters something special for helping to make this such a success.

An entire slate of new add-on items have been added to the program giving Kickstarter supporters a wide selection of comics to add to their collections. 6591b9994b6f6fb2ab2401e023333a18_original Participating is simple – fans just go to http://www.comcav.net/collections/ravening-early-access and review the great products available.  You can then either order them direct or increase your Kickstarter pledge to cover the books and get them shipped with your program rewards.  Its as easy as see, click, receive!

Please share The Ravening Kickstarter with your comic book reading family and friends.  Together we can make this new horror title one of the most memorable to be published!  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/boundless/the-ravening

The Ravening is Live on Kickstarter!

c79493e449029945578420cfc38bf3f0_originalBoundless Comics’ newest bad girl revival title is The Ravening!  The nearly 20 year old property has returned under the pen of Jai Nitz and expands the world we glimpsed in Hellina with two vampire lovers from different clans.  Fans of vampire fiction will love this series with Boundless’ trademark hard edge and sexy presentation.  These are comics for grown ups and have all the things you want in a mature series.

d7bba792854c9c37ac7bc8547213b9ac_originalCheck out the new Kickstarter which has already funded and is nearing completion of its second stretch goal!  Jump on board the Ravening train and be a part of making this one of the hottest new Boundless Comics ever!